Penang Science Cluster offers various free programs for schools in Penang through our Penang Science Café, TechMentor programs, outreach programs and many more. We cover meals and transport too for the majority of our programs. All our programs are approved by JPN Pulau Pinang. We are always keen to support schools in sparking and sustaining interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. If you have something in mind, please reach out to us!
Penang Science Café Programs
We run various programs in our Penang Science Café locations in Wisma Yeap Chor Ee and Krystal Point, designed to spark interest in STEAM.

Project Ignite
Project Ignite is a two-day makerthon for school students. Students will learn the design thinking process, be introduced to various technical skills such as programming and electronics and 3D modelling, as well as 21st century skills such as collaboration and communication.
Young Enterprise Tech Workshops
Young Enterprise (YE) Tech Workshops aims to introduce YE members to various tech skills such as 3D modelling, mobile apps development, electronics, and digital marketplaces to add value to their enterprises.
CSI Week
Through our Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Week program, students learn how to use a FTIR spectrometer, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, PCR system and science microscopes plus conduct gel electrophoresis, blood typing, and fingerprint dusting while investigating a crime.
STEAM Workshops
We do offer custom STEAM-related hands-on workshops to guide student inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking according to needs of the requesting schools.
TechMentor Programs
TechMentor programs provide students the opportunity to further their interest in various fields such as coding, robotics, embedded systems and so on through year-long programs.
Lego Robotics
We assist schools who are interested in conducting Lego Robotics program in school by providing Lego Robotics sets on loan, technical workshop for teachers and mentors from industries or universities.
Advanced Robotics
TechMentor Advanced Robotics is a program for secondary school students that utilises the NI myRIO and LabVIEW, advanced tools designed for undergraduates and industrial use with the mentorship of NI team of engineers.
We support schools in running coding programs after school hours in platforms such as Scratch, micro:bit and Python through training teachers to be mentors and/or matching schools with industry volunteers.
Embedded Systems
TechMentor Embedded Systems challenges students to solve existing problems by creating products and prototypes with embedded systems such as Arduino.
Through Agri TechMentor, we aim to promote agriculture through incorporation of modern techniques and applications, in schools and help students understand the basics and important concepts in this area.
Radio Astronomy
We offer schools with existing Astronomy clubs or are interested in setting up an Astronomy club with hands-on workshops in optical astronomy and radio astronomy. Students will be able to construct and use a radio telescope to observe the universe.
Outreach Programs
Penang Science Cluster also conducts a number of programs in schools plus coordinate with our industry partners to run programs for school students.
To enable as many students to code, we visit schools throughout the year and offer introductory coding workshops in Scratch, Python, Arduino and HTML/CSS.
Our team brings over to schools exciting tech exhibits such as Virtual Reality headsets, 3D printers, medical analysis instruments, Arduino projects, iPad Pros and many more. Plus we conduct tech demonstrations and life sciences activities such as mini-CSI cases.
MakerLabs are makerspaces in schools equipped with various tools, software and hardware platforms, and learning content to allow school students to learn critical skills required for the 21st century, and applying these skills in projects of the student’s choosing.
Lab Setup Support
We provide consultation and assistance in setting up MakerLabs in schools.
Teacher Training
We train and support teachers by providing free training workshops in topics related STEM subjects.
Hardware and Equipment Loans
We support schools by providing hardware and equipment loans that are necessary for the teaching and learning of STEM subjects.
Penang International Science Fair (PISF)
PISF is Penang Science Cluster’s annual premier science fair held in SPICE Arena every year in November. Entrance and participation is free. We offer free transportation and meals to schools every year too.
Students compete and showcase their progress through various competitions such as Lego Robotics, Scratch Projects, Young Makers and so on during the PISF.
MakerFest attracts makers around the Malaysia and the world to showcase what they have made, plus offer several maker workshops such as soldering and woodworking.